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Health And Social Care

If you are interested in a career in the health sector, social care sector or teaching, you will find this course of particular benefit. It provides an insight into health and social care professions with varied and exciting links to all aspects of health and social care.

The course consists of four units; two of these are externally examined and two are internally assessed coursework. This programme will be delivered over two years.

Unit 1

Human Lifespan Development (externally assessed, focuses on understanding human growth and development across various life stages, including factors influencing health and the roles of health and social care professionals.

Unit 2

Human Biology and Health (externally assessed), explores the structure and functioning of the human body and its systems, common disorders, and their impact on health.

Unit 3

Health and Social Care Practice (internally assessed), introduces core principles, values, legislation, and societal factors influencing health outcomes. It also looks into personalisation and different challenges and the strategies to overcome them.

The final unit is an optional unit (details to be confirmed)

I have really enjoyed my Health and Social Care course at Varndean as it has given me the knowledge and skills to prepare me for my future career in social work. It has been a very challenging, but also extremely interesting subject. I would really recommend it to anyone thinking of doing anything in the future related to the health and social care sector.

Charlotte Boyd, ex Hove Park

Course Essentials

Courses Available

BTEC Level 3 AAQ Extended Certificate (equivalent to 1 A Level)

How The Course is Assessed

The course will be assessed internally through course work and externally through exams and research project.

Career Pathways

Careers in the health, social care sectors or a progression route to continue onto a university degree in nursing, social work, teaching or counselling. It supports access to a range of HE courses if taken as part of a study programme that includes other qualifications.

Transferable Skills

Observation, teamwork, good knowledge of life stages and promoting awareness of rights, communication, respect, competency in the workplace.

Enquiries To

Cathy Davies:

What are the Standard Entry Requirements?

CourseGeneral GCSE Grade minimum entry requirements
IB Diploma or 4 A levelsA mixture of at least 7 GCSEs at Grades 9 – 6 including English, Maths and Science.
3 A LevelsA mixture of at least 6 GCSEs at Grades 9 – 4 including English.
A mixed programme at Level 3, to include at least one vocational courseA mixture of at least 5 GCSEs at Grades 9 – 4 including English.
Foundation Level (Level 2)At least 4 GCSEs at Grade 3, including English. At least one GCSE should be at Grade 4 or above.
Any student who has not achieved a grade 4 or C in GCSE English and/or Maths must include further study of these subjects in their programme.