English Language & Literature
Combined English is a dynamic, exciting course for those who feel they have enthusiasm and skill in both areas. It involves examining literary texts to understand the speaker or writer’s identity and how language works to create a voice. The course enables you to study a range of text-types, including fiction: novels, short stories and plays. Nonfiction varieties include memoirs, articles, online texts and conversational transcripts. There will also be opportunities to create presentations, watch performances of key texts on-screen or to visit theatre productions.
If you enjoy reading fiction and nonfiction, appreciate the creative and analytical aspects of English work and have a passion for the written and spoken word, this will be the right course for you.
Paper 1: [40%] Voices in Speech and Writing
This focuses on exploring an anthology of text-types and one modern stage play.
Paper 2: [40%] Varieties in Language and Literature
Theme: Society and the Individual. This unit involves reading and exploring two literary texts, as well as analysing a range of nonfiction in preparation for responding to an unseen text.
Please note, studying English at A Level is an invitation to engage in and examine texts which can sometimes include challenging and difficult topics.
Coursework: [20%] Investigating and Creating Texts
Assignment 1: students produce two pieces of original writing. ie one fiction and one nonfiction text
Assignment 2: an analytical commentary reflecting on your own reading and the texts you have produced

Jerome Cox-Strong
Studied: English Language/Literature, Politics, Law, Modern History
Progression: BA English Literature (First-Class Honours) / MA English (Distinction), University of Reading
Jerome studied English Language & Literature, Modern History, Government & Politics, and Law at Varndean, with a view to continuing his study of Law to university, and entering the legal profession.
After a change in direction during his gap year, he instead went on to study BA English Literature at the University of Reading from 2015 to 2018, graduating with First-Class Honours and being awarded the Dr Jean Young Memorial Award. During his studies, he oversaw a number of arts projects at the University, including the publication of three editions of the annual Creative Arts Anthology. He subsequently completed an MA in English, also at Reading, for which he achieved a Distinction. Following the completion of his MA, Jerome secured a PhD offer to research dystopian fiction and depictions of children and childhood at the University of Manchester, however, due to the coronavirus pandemic and other changes in circumstances, these plans were postponed. He currently works in charity administration in Brighton.
Outside of his studies, Jerome has continued independent academic research; in addition to presenting at a number of conferences focused on literature, pedagogy, and psychoanalysis, his work was also featured in the collected text, Questioning Ayn Rand: Subjectivity, Political Economy, and The Arts (ed. Neil Cocks), published by Palgrave MacMillan in 2020, a text interrogating and deconstructing Rand from a left-wing critical perspective, with his chapter focusing on Rand’s education writing in the 1960s and 70s, and how her philosophies influence modern-day education policy.
Jerome says: “Above anything else, make sure you choose subjects you enjoy. While there are other reasons to choose certain subjects – maybe to fit into what you want to study at University for example – if it’s not something you actually enjoy working within, it makes it much harder to engage with any of the materials. It’s your education, and being excited – even slightly! – about what you’re working on can make all the difference to how you end up getting on!”
Course Essentials
Courses Available
A Level
How The Course is Assessed
80% exam, 20% coursework
Career Pathways
English Language and Literature students go on to a variety of degree courses, including English Language and Linguistics, Journalism, Education and Creative Writing. This subject can lead to working in journalism, PR, teaching, law, speech therapy and any other career where the ability to communicate and use language effectively is valued. Other options available include: Digital Copywriter, Editorial Assistant, Web Content Manager, Librarian, Advertising Account Executive, Arts Administrator, Information Officer, Public Relations Officer etc.
Transferable Skills
Written competence and accuracy; speaking and communication skills; the ability to structure and organise arguments; widened vocabulary; improved use and grasp of grammar; analysis of texts; drafting and editing; IT skills.
Other Information
Creative Writing
The English Area at Varndean College offers a weekly class for writers run by published performance poet and writer, Rachel Shorer. It is an extracurricular activity open to all. In each session, she leads workshops on developing students’ skills in different aspects of creative writing. Prose, poetry, drama and script writing are all covered.
The English Literature Extension Class
The English Literature Extension Class is an informal group, which meets every few weeks to discuss texts and ideas not on the course.
Enquiries To
Tess McGivney: tem@varndean.ac.uk