Business Studies
If you are interested in running your own business or understanding how businesses work, a business course could be right for you. You will study business in a variety of forms (example large/small, UK focused/global, service/manufacturing) and consider such topics as the nature of business and the importance of the context it operates within. You will study and research the internal and external influences that shape the important strategic decisions that all businesses have to make – these might include zero inflation and low interest rates, the slowing down of growth in China and the potential conflict between the market’s demand for competitive prices and shareholder’s desire for profits. Assessment on the course will require your development of good quantitative and analytical skills that will be used in case study scenarios drawn largely from real business situations.
The course is geared towards the contemporary business world and students will have to engage with the reported business news, you will be encouraged to keep a case book of current business issues.
Topics Covered
• What is business?
• Managers, leadership and decision making
• Marketing management
• Operational management
• Financial management
• Human resource management
• Analysing the strategic position of a business
• Choosing strategic direction
• Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies
• Managing strategic change
I will always highly recommend Varndean College to any student looking to achieve academic excellence in the heart of Brighton and Hove.
Alex Curry, now studying Business & Management, University of Surrey
Course Essentials
Courses Available
A Level
How The Course is Assessed
100% exam
Career Pathways
Many students go on to courses in Business and related degrees. This subject can lead to a wide range of employment opportunities.
Transferable Skills
Teamwork, leadership skills, problem solving and decision making, analytical and evaluative skills, financial and business skills.
Enquiries To
Nick Maloney : nnm@varndean.ac.uk