This course will help you recognise and develop your enterprise skills. You will learn a range of skills associated with running a small business and develop your own capabilities through planning, implementation and evaluation of project work. You will set up and run a business of your own; from raising money, selling shares to making a product/providing a service, to winding up the business and sharing the profits out amongst shareholders. You’ll be helped through the course by a Link Teacher and Advisor from the world of business. In the past, many companies have won awards and made respectable profits from their enterprises. If your business really is a success, then you can continue beyond the program date.
The course has no syllabus or exam. However, you will learn how to run a successful business, from marketing, production, logistics, finance to sales and human resources.
Course Essentials
Courses Available
Young Enterprise Scheme
No specific entry requirements, however it is ideal for learners who’d like to:
- develop essential, transferable skills
- improve their career prospects or progress to higher education
- further their own professional development
- experience running a small enterprise
Enquiries To
Alrik Green: agg@varndean.ac.uk